Thursday 22 April 2010

Boycotts and tennis balls

So here I am for the second day in a row. Don't get used to it!
In today's school news SATs boycott going ahead! Whoa. We will still sit the tests albeit the 2009 ones but not have them externally marked and therefore reported as league table data etc. Scary but ballsy. No rant necessary after all. Until an election canvasser comes a-calling and then I'll put them on the spot.

On the home front had two incredibly grumpy boys today. Charlie needs a sleep in the daytime and for whatever reason this doesn't always happen when he's with his childminder. Unsurprisingly he was not impressed with the idea of sitting (in a very cold wind) watching Ben at his tennis lesson. Ben was equally grouchy - and typically irrational, the after effects of a busy day, a tiring week and maybe the first negative side effect of the migraine medication. I don't want him to grow up too quickly but I'll be happy when his level common sense matches his intelligence. Will that ever happen?

Anyway, after an interesting evening with one eye on the leaders debate and one on marking English (and a third eye on Facebook and Twitter), I am now more aware of what my political view is, know what colour I favour and am happy that my school children can now generally use commas - (full stops not so much!). And with that its off to bed. Friday has crept up on me this week, like a very welcome friend.

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