Friday 7 May 2010

Hung parliament version 1 (for 10 year olds) and 2 (for 5 year olds)

Ok, I was optimistic with my plans of blogging, but here I am eventually.

Election fever hit home and school yesterday and today, starting with Ben and Charlie accompanying us to the Polling Station at 7am. Ben is fascinated by the whole thing and wants to know all about it. He even put the ballot paper in the box! He then spend the rest of the day wondering who had won, and it was the first thing he asked when he woke up this morning! Interesting trying to explain the hung parliament to him, he got the gist I think.

Not much was mentioned about it at school yesterday, however I was greeted by an intelligent child who asked me "What does politics have to do with me anyway?". So from then on we had the BBC news website up on the big screen and a running commentary from the children about who they liked and disliked. Some knew a lot and were very mature, others were clearly just repeating the (very interesting and extremely biased) comments they have picked up from home, while others knew nothing whatsoever. One even asked me "Which team is which?" I would say that they did actually learn something; they seemed to understand about the hung parliament and the implications of such. We happened to catch Gordon Brown's address as it happened - which I had to translate into child speak for them - but I am sure they went home a little wiser about the world today.

Friday seems to have come around so quickly this week. SATs next week but how good does it feel to be part of the boycott. I wonder what the government in which ever form it takes will decide to do in the long run.

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